Tommy Hansen is the founder of Perform 4 Life, a company dedicated to building elite performers in sport and everyday life. Tommy’s training philosophy revolves around improving strength, athleticism, and body composition with the goal of increasing performance while also reducing the risk of injury.

Tommy has experience training a wide variety of populations, including athletes at the NCAA Division 1, junior college, high school, and middle school levels. In addition to training a wide spectrum of athletes, Tommy has trained everyday adults ranging from 20-65 years of age that want to feel better, improve their bodies, and increase their overall quality of life.

Here is a list of Tommy’s track record:

-Director of Sports Performance at Top Flight Volleyball Club

-Former Strength & Conditioning Intern at Texas Christian University

-Former Strength & Conditioning Intern at Northern Illinois University

-Former Personal Trainer at Evolve Fitness & Training

-Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Health & Human Performance

-Former College Baseball Player at Bellevue University

Tommy is also active in providing educational content online about all things health, fitness, and sports performance. Hansen has been featured on strengthcoach.com and zachdechant.com, two highly sought after educational platforms used by thousands of coaches, parents, and athletes.

Although Tommy’s days of being a competitive athlete are over, he is known as a coach who can jump, sprint, and lift alongside his athletes. He practices what he preaches, and is on an active quest to maximize his own performance potential.

Feel free to contact Tommy by emailing tommy@perform4lifetrainingsystems.com or reach him on social media by clicking the icons below: